HolyCoast: Interesting Question from a Google Searcher
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Interesting Question from a Google Searcher

I use a stats program that tells me how visitors found this site. If they linked from somewhere else I can see where they came from, and I've often found myself linked in the strangest of places.

It also tells me if someone found a post of mine via a Google search and what the search term was. This one came in a little while ago:
John McCain is a poor speaker so how was he able to do so well before the Rick Warren forum

Good question. John McCain is terrible on teleprompter. His delivery is stilted, awkward, he seems to smile at the wrong places, and his timing is unnatural. He's not good at reading other people's words. Take him off teleprompter and amazing things happen. He speaks with passion, does so without unnecessarily flowery language, and clearly makes his points. Why? He knows what he's talking about.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, is a masterful orator on teleprompter. He's good at reading other people's words. He can deliver soaring rhetoric with the best of them, but off teleprompter, he's a walking gaffe machine. His statements go all over the place, are often filled with "uhs" and "ums", and the soaring rhetoric is gone. Why? He doesn't know what he's talking about.

This is why Obama has run from his promise to appear with John McCain "anywhere, anytime". In a town hall-type setting like the Saddleback Civil Forum, and I predict in the upcoming debates, McCain will hand him his head.

Hillary Clinton was much better in off-the-cuff discussion, and many Dems are now regretting the fact that they'll never see her one-on-one with McCain. Those would have been pretty interesting debates.

It's not too late, Dems. Hillary's name will be included in the roll call vote. There's still time to change.

SOUR GRAPES UPDATE - Obama camp hints that McCain cheated.

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