HolyCoast: Lieberman Being Vetted for McCain VP
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Saturday, August 09, 2008

Lieberman Being Vetted for McCain VP

I'd like to believe that that John McCain wouldn't be so dumb as to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP, but who knows what the "maverick" is going to do:
Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee who has endorsed John McCain, is being vetted as a potential running mate for the Republican presidential hopeful, according to an adviser to Mr McCain’s ­campaign.
Mr Lieberman, who has campaigned for the Arizona senator, has long been ­considered an unconventional but plausible choice for Mr McCain.

Although Democrats have rejected Mr McCain’s image as a maverick politician, Mr Lieberman’s support for the presumptive Republican nominee has, much to the chagrin of his former ­colleagues, helped to boost Mr McCain’s reputation as a bi-partisan legislator with friends on both sides of the aisle. Mr Lieberman, a staunch supporter of Israel, could also help Mr McCain win over Jewish voters.

“[McCain] loves Lieberman. And he is on the [short-]list because Lieberman has never embarrassed anyone, never misspoken. The first rule is, don’t take someone who costs you votes,” said one McCain adviser.

But not everyone would be enthusiastic about Mr Lieberman being added to the ticket. While Mr Lieberman has staunchly defended Mr McCain’s support of the surge, the escalation of US troops in Iraq, and the lawmakers have teamed up on legislative proposals to ­combat global warming, the registered independent is aligned with Democrats on most other issues.

“Conservatives would be pissed as hell – I think you would have a revolt, but sometimes John does what John wants to do,” the McCain adviser said.
The conservative vote will evaporate if McCain chooses Lieberman. Lieberman has earned a 100% approval from NARAL and other pro-abortion groups, and his other social policies are as liberal as Ted Kennedy. All the cajoling in the world by McCain supporters won't get them back. They'll just stay home in November.

I personally think Lieberman is an honorable guy, but he's a lefty in every sense of the word except for his position on Iraq. Other than the war, choosing Lieberman would make as much sense for a Republican as choosing Obama.

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