HolyCoast: No Way, Hussein!
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Friday, August 29, 2008

No Way, Hussein!

I alluded to this possibility in an earlier post:
How hard do you think the Obama people are kicking themselves right now for passing over Hillary Clinton? Do you think Joe Biden might suddenly come up with a health issue that takes him off the ticket?

Jim Geraghy is thinking similar thoughts:
One month from now, the Palin pick has proven a bonanza for the McCain campaign. A large chunk of Hillary's 18 million voters have been won over. Conservatives are unified and energized, and the previously-undiscovered "Maxim magazine vote" is suddenly giving McCain large margins among young males.

Joe Biden will disappear from the campaign trail, and we will later learn it was to see a doctor. A previously-undiscovered, vaguely ominous health issue will be discovered, and Biden will sadly announce that he cannot continue as Obama's running mate. With a sudden need for a new one, Obama will turn... to Hillary Clinton.

Call it the Torricelli gambit.

What if this happens? What if the Dems realize that Biden is a hair-plugged boat anchor on the ticket and decide they need to exchange him for Hillary? What does Hillary say when they ask her to join the ticket?

Something like this:
No way, Hussein! You had your chance at the convention and you blew it. You didn't even give me a serious look and now you're gonna pay. You're gonna lose this election because your ego superceded your political intelligence and I'm gonna sit back, watch and laugh, and in 2012 I'll not only win the nomination but I'll do something you couldn't do - win the election! [begin evil laugh]
Hopefully the last part of that prediction by Hillary won't come true. If McCain isn't up to it in 2012, a Palin vs. Clinton contest would be pretty fascinating.

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