HolyCoast: Obamessiah Supports New Drilling
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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Obamessiah Supports New Drilling

How do you know that the drilling issue is hurting Democrats? The Obamessiah is suddenly open to new offshore drilling:
ST. PETERSBURG — Long an opponent of offshore drilling, Sen. Barack Obama offered encouraging words for a bipartisan energy plan that would permit oil drilling within 50 miles of Florida's west coast.

In an interview with the St. Petersburg Times and Bay News 9's Political Connections this morning, Obama commended the self-styled "Gang of 10" senators who earlier in the day introduced a broad energy bill that also would funnel billions into developing renewable sources.

"My attitude is that we can find some sort of compromise," Obama told the Times shortly after talking with voters at Gibbs High School. "If it is part of an overarching package, then I am not going to be rigid in preventing an energy package that goes forward that is really thoughtful and is going to really solve the problem."

Although short of an endorsement, Obama expressed a new willingness to consider the U.S. coast for oil exploration.

How is this going to play with his disciples who have watching him flip on issue after issue? San Fran Nan won't like this, that's for sure.

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