HolyCoast: Pelosi Symbolically Caves on Drilling
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pelosi Symbolically Caves on Drilling

I use the term "symbolically" because though she is now conceding that she'd allow a vote on drilling, she wants to tie it to stupid ideas like releasing oil from the Strategic Petrolium Reserve:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday night dropped her staunch opposition to a vote on offshore oil drilling in the House.

Republicans, reacting to high gas prices, have demanded a vote on additional oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf, where drilling is currently blocked by a moratorium. Until now, Pelosi (D-Calif.) has resisted the idea as a “hoax.” But in an interview on CNN’s Larry King Live, she indicated that she was open to a vote.

“They have this thing that says drill offshore in the protected areas,” Pelosi said. “We can do that. We can have a vote on that.”

She indicated such a vote would have to be part of a larger package that included other policies, like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which she said could bring down prices in a matter of days.

“But it has to be part of something that says we want to bring immediate relief to the public and is not just a hoax on them,” Pelosi continued.

She even indicated that she might support a package that includes drilling. She said her decision on whether to support such legislation would depend on how the policies are packaged.

“It’s not excluded, let’s put it that way,” Pelosi said.

A bill that drains our strategic reserves will not be popular with Republicans, but they might accept a token withdrawal in order to get the drilling they want.

It is apparent from San Fran Nan's concession that the polls and the ongoing GOP protest have finally gotten to her.

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