Protesters interrupted a speech this morning by Sen. Barack Obama when they raised a sign that said "What about the Black community, Obama?"
Several youngAfrican-American men standing behind Obama held the sign at the top of some bleachers in a high school gym in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Obama reminded the men that they were at a town hall-style meeting and would have a chance to speak.
"You can ask a question later," he said. "Sit down."The rest of the audience started to chant, "Yes we can."
After others in the audience tried to take the sign away, Obama pressed forward with his speech on economic matters. "Now where was I," he asked, as he tried to regain his composure.
When the question-answer portion of the event started, Obama gave one of the men the second question, as a staff member held onto the microphone the entire time.
"My question is, in the face of the numerous attacks that are made against the African community, or the black community, by the same U.S. government that you aspire to lead," the man started, before naming sub-prime lending, police shootings of blacks, the Gina 6 case and Hurricane Katrina.
"In the face of all these attacks that are clearly being made on the African community, why is it that you have not had the ability to not one time speak to the interests and even speak on behalf of the oppressed and exploited African community, or black community, in this country?" he asked.
You can read his vacuous response here. Instead of beating back some of the idiotic mythologies that have been created around the Gina 6 case and Katrina, he decided to feed their paranoia and pander to their perceived victimhood.
Since the Obamessiah has decided to make this campaign all about race he can expect more of the above. By creating a racial fight he invites those who have decided that he's the Great Half-Black Hope to challenge him when he doesn't follow the racially-correct course.
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