HolyCoast: They Will Call Him "The One"
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Friday, August 01, 2008

They Will Call Him "The One"

I don't know who has taken over John McCain's advertising, but he or she is brilliant. The "Celeb" ad really hit Obama where it hurt, and this one just piles it on.

UPDATE: The Obamessiah responds:
Barack Obama's campaign responded sharply to a new McCain webad depicting Obama as a parody of a biblical prophet.

"It’s downright sad that on a day when we learned that 51,000 Americans lost their jobs, a candidate for the presidency is spending all of his time and the powerful platform he has on these sorts of juvenile antics," said spokesman Hari Sevugan. "Senator McCain can keep telling everyone how ‘proud’ he is of these political stunts which even his Republican friends and advisors have called ‘childish’, but Barack Obama will continue talking about his plan to jumpstart our economy by giving working families $1,000 of immediate relief."

The ad, released only on the Internet, is the latest in a series mocking the Democratic nominee.

"It should be known that in 2008 the world shall be blessed," begins the ad's deep-voiced narrator. Later, Obama emerges Godlike from the clouds.

This is why McCain is winning this battle - he's showing a sense of humor, something that is missing entirely from the Obamessiah camp. They should be laughing these things off instead of this "debutante with the vapors" act. McCain ought to buy them a fainting couch.

These ads are hitting home, and are probably winning McCain some new fans.

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