HolyCoast: Two Democrat Conventions in One
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two Democrat Conventions in One

The Weekly Standard thinks the Clintons have managed to hijack the Dem convention, turning it into two separate events:

Now that the Democrats say there's only one America, they're holding two conventions. The first Democratic Convention is on the second and third days and will feature the Clintons, and the second Democratic Convention will take place on the first and final day and will feature the Obamas. The Clintons have hijacked the Democratic Convention, banishing Obama from the Pepsi Center. In failing to unite the party, to give her supporters "catharsis," the Clintons have left the Democratic Party more divided than the Republicans. According to Rasmussen, "Obama is supported by 77% of Democrats while McCain earns the vote from 85% of Republicans."

Does anyone else think its ironic that in a "change" election, a full 50% of the Democratic Convention will feature people who were in power over a decade ago? Bill Clinton may have received a rock-star reception at the 2000 Convention, but it seems that people may be throwing food, not applauding, this go around.

I think the Obamessiah is moving to the stadium on night 4 because after two nights of the Clintons the Pepsi Center will have to be aired out.

The Hillary supporters still haven't given up their "hope" of a "change" in the nominee:
Supporters of Hillary Clinton are planning a number of rallies at the Democratic national convention in Denver to express their disappointment with the party’s presidential primary process.

The Denver Group, formed by two Clinton backers, has filmed a TV commercial and scheduled a large reception in Denver for August 26.

Another pro-Clinton group, 18 Million Voices, is organizing a march on that day in Denver “and nationwide to support Sen. Clinton and advocate for women’s rights worldwide,” according to its Web site.

Some of the Denver Group’s goals are at odds with those of the Democratic Party, The Hill newspaper reports. It wants an open convention, with Hillary’s name placed in nomination, as well as a genuine roll call vote with Clinton as a legitimate candidate instead of what it calls a “coronation” of Barack Obama.

Clinton backers in Denver will hold signs reading, “Denounce Nobama’s Coronation,” according to the Denver Post.

Heidi Li Feldman, co-founder of the Denver Group, said her organization has raised up to $40,000 and bought six print ads in addition to the TV commercial.

One print ad showed a picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt and asked, “Would Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi have kept his name off the ballot?”

The ad pointed out that Roosevelt went into the 1932 Democratic convention short of the necessary delegates to sew up the nomination and won on the fourth ballot.

Marc Rubin, the other co-founder of the Denver Group, said there is “palpable anger” at the Democratic National Committee.

Sounds like a regular Rocky Mountain high.

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