HolyCoast: Was Global Warming Present When Britannia Ruled the Waves?
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Was Global Warming Present When Britannia Ruled the Waves?

Ship's logs can provide a wealth of information about what life was like in olden days, and they can even tell climatologists about warming and cooling periods the earth went through:
The ship logs of Lord Nelson, Captain Cook, and other British sailors are casting more doubt on the theory that global warming is man-made.

The Telegraph newspaper reports that a group of British academics and scientists has examined more than 6,000 logs which describe an increasing number of storms over Britain in the late 17th century.

Many scientists currently believe such storms are caused by global warming. But these storms occurred during a period known as the Little Ice Age which affected Europe from about 1600 to 1850. The records also show Europe experienced a spell of rapid warming during the 1730s, well before man could have had any impact on climate change.

Sunderland University researcher Dennis Wheeler says, "Global warming is a reality, but our data shows climate change is complex. It is wrong to take particular events and link them to carbon dioxide emissions."

And yet, that's exactly what many are doing and that's what is expected from the politically correct. They'll kill our economy and it won't make a darn bit of difference in global temperatures.

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