HolyCoast: The Angry Media
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Friday, September 12, 2008

The Angry Media

Howard Kurtz writes that the media are not having a good time during this campaign:
The media are getting mad.

Whether it's the latest back-and-forth over attack ads, the silly lipstick flap or the continuing debate over Sarah and sexism, you can just feel the tension level rising several notches.

Maybe it's a sense that this is crunch time, that the election is on the line, that the press is being manipulated (not that there's anything new about that).

You can read the rest if you want, but it's pretty much a litany of liberal media complaints that they can't control the message anymore. Americans aren't reliant on the dinosaur media for all their information anymore - there are just too many other sources. The media can't determine what's "news" anymore. They can't quash stories they feel would harm their candidate, and they can't push with much effect stories that will harm their political opponents.

Essentially, they've been neutered. Neutering normally calms down the subject, but it has only enraged the media as they seek relevance in this age of Internet news sources and multiple broadcast channels. They are a sad and sorry bunch.

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