HolyCoast: At Best, A Draw or a Slight Nod to McCain
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Saturday, September 27, 2008

At Best, A Draw or a Slight Nod to McCain

Although the comments on the blog and on Facebook tended to show McCain with a sizeable win in the debate, much of what I'm reading, along with the comments from Charles Krauthammer (whom I respect) would indicate that at best the debate was probably a draw, or maybe a slight win for McCain. There were no knockout blows or memorable lines beyond the immediate moment.

It seems that if you favored McCain before, you thought he prevailed. If you favored Obama, you thought he won.

I watched the focus group that Frank Luntz runs on Fox and was surprised to hear how many of his "independents" moved toward Obama because "he cares". Cry me a river. However maudlin that sounds, it's scary to think how easy the independents can be swayed.

I'm afraid this election is not going to be determined by real issues, but by emotional reactions to the pablum spewed by Obama.

Laura, who contributed quite ably to the comments on the debate open thread post has a different view of the event:

When I listened to the TV pundits following tonight's debate, I had to wonder if gentlemen like Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes, and Dick Morris had just watched the same debate I watched. They all declared the evening free of interesting soundbites and felt that Obama won or tied (and, in tying, won by exceeding expectations).

Although Senator McCain started out slowly and I think could have answered some questions better -- and more conservatively -- he was authoritative, knowledgeable, humorous, and pleasant.

Senator Obama was petulant, rude, whiny ("I have a bracelet too"), and clearly outclassed in terms of knowledge and experience.

Only one man on the stage was Presidential, and that man was Senator McCain.

I have to defer to those who actually watched. My opinion is based on responses from others who watched.

McCain is already out with an instant ad:

Both sides probably learned a few things about how to proceed in the next debate in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, the two VP candidates will go at it next Thursday night.

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