HolyCoast: Dem Bill Includes $100 Million for ACORN
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Friday, September 26, 2008

Dem Bill Includes $100 Million for ACORN

No wonder the House GOP can't support the Dem version of the bailout bill. According to GOP sources the "housing" group ACORN, which is frequently accused of all kinds of voter fraud, will get $100 million dollars from the Dem bailout bill. How many fraudulent voter registrations could that buy? Click on the "ACORN" label below for previous examples of their fraudulent activity.

Stay tough, GOP!

Rep. Jeb Hensarling is one of the leaders in the fight, and he's telling Dems to go ahead and pass their bill if it's so all-fired important:
“House Republicans are extremely concerned about the state of our economy, the status of our capital markets, and how the problems of Wall Street are being assumed by Main Street. We all agree that doing nothing is not an option, but it is always more important to do the right thing rather than the quick thing.

“It is ludicrous to think that House Republicans are ‘holding up’ any sort of deal, as Democrats falsely claim. If Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Frank believe that the Paulson plan is the only plan that can save the American economy, they have a moral obligation and a duty to pass it. The Democrats are the majority party in the House, as I have been consistently reminded by Chairman Frank. The truth is that Democrats can pass the Paulson plan in an hour if they believe it is the right thing to do. That is their prerogative.

“House Republicans have made it clear that we want to fix this problem and we want to work to solve this crisis. We believe that there is a better way to do it, where we can help Wall Street workout of this crisis rather than forcing taxpayers to bail it out. If Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat leadership want our votes and our support, they should work with us just as we are attempting to work with them. We are defending the taxpayer and will continue to do so as we work toward solving this crisis.”
The Dems are scared to death to pass this bill without a large number of GOP votes. They don't want to have to take the blame when the details of the bill start coming out. They don't want to GOP to help them save America, they want the GOP to help them save their butts.

UPDATE: ACORN funding still in bailout bill, and it's worse that it first looked.

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