HolyCoast: GOP Now Leads in Generic Congressional Poll Among Likely Voters
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Friday, September 12, 2008

GOP Now Leads in Generic Congressional Poll Among Likely Voters

Democrats have been counting on increasing their majorities in both houses of Congress. Well, maybe not (from Don Surber):
Gallup on the Palin Effect: Republicans now lead by 5 points on the generic congressional poll, among likely voters.

The Year of the Democrats may have ended on Aug. 29. That was the day Republican Sen. John McCain picked as his running mate Republican Gov. Sarah Palin. She reignited the party and may cost Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco her job as speaker.

Can readers say Republican House Speaker John Boehner of Dayton? ...

The Gallup Poll showed the 11-point lead Democrats enjoyed pre-Palin in the generic congressional poll (which asks if the person will vote Democrat or Republican in the race, rather than name them) is down to 3 points post-Palin.

That’s among registered voters. It gets better: “Republican candidates now lead Democratic candidates among likely voters by 5 percentage points, 50% to 45%.”

If Sarah Palin can help the GOP win the White House AND chase Nancy Pelosi out of the Speaker's chair, her pick will be the greatest political move in history. The GOP should seriously consider promotiong the idea that getting out and supporting Palin could have the bonus effect of knocking out Pelosi as well.

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