HolyCoast: Jesus Was a Community Organizer
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Friday, September 05, 2008

Jesus Was a Community Organizer

The "community organizer" lines in the GOP convention speeches really hit the Obama campaign hard. Obama had been claiming his CO time as executive experience, but now it's become the fodder for all kinds of humor. Take this line from James Taranto:
Are we supposed to cast our eyes on the slums of Chicago, behold how well organized they are, and exclaim in wonder, "Wow, Barack Obama did that!"?

The Obama campaign sent out a fundraising letter which tried to imply that by poking fun at community organizing the GOP was really engaged in racial slurs and insults to poor people. Heh.

And now, from the infants at DailyKos comes this:
Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.
More proof that Barack really is the Obamessiah.

UPDATE: This silly "Jesus" statement makes it all the way to the floor of the House of Representatives.

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