HolyCoast: The Left's Assault on Sarah Palin's Church
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Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Left's Assault on Sarah Palin's Church

Still stinging from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "God D___ America!" sermons and other wackiness coming from that church, the left has turned its ire upon little Wasilla Bible Church where the Palin family worships. Fox News is running a story about a Focus on the Family event in Anchorage:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin’s church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.

“You’ll be encouraged by the power of God’s love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality,” according to the insert in the bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed for about six years.

Palin’s conservative Christian views have energized that part of the GOP electorate, which was lukewarm to John McCain’s candidacy before he named her as his vice presidential choice. She is staunchly anti-abortion, opposing exceptions for rape and incest, and opposes gay marriage and spousal rights for gay couples.

Focus on the Family, a national Christian fundamentalist organization, is conducting the “Love Won Out” Conference in Anchorage, about 30 miles from Wasilla.

One lefty site breathlessly reports this:
On July 20, 2008, the pastor of Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s home church, Larry Kroon, delivered a sermon called “Sin Is Personal To God.” Kroon, the senior pastor of the non-denominational Wasilla Bible Church in Wasilla, Alaska, used the book of Zephanaiah as his reference point for discussing “that great day of the Lord when God will finally bring closure to human history… a day of wrath.” According to Kroon, “all things and all people” are going to bear the brunt of God’s “intense anger.” “There’s anger with God,” he proclaimed. “He takes sin personal.”

Kroon placed Zephaniah in a modern context, warning that the sinful habits of Americans would invite the wrath of God. “And if Zephaniah were here today,” Kroon bellowed, “he’d be saying, ‘Listen, [God] is gonna deal with all the inhabitants of the earth. He is gonna strike out His hand against, yes, Wasilla; and Alaska; and the United States of America. There’s no exceptions here — there’s none. It’s all.’”

Horrors! A preacher drawing comparisons between Biblical days and today's society!

A commenter at that site wants to know if Palin speaks in tongues and if there's any video of it. What nonsense.

I hate to break it to the left, but this kind of preaching, and support for events lile the Focus on the Family event above, can be found every week in thousands of evangelical churches around the country. It may seem weird and strange to the lefties, but it's a common as dirt in most of America. Read Americans, real voters, and not just a handful of nuts.

The Wasilla Bible Church looks like every other of hundreds of of evangelical churches that I've attended or performed in during my lifetime, and there are lots of evangelical voters who won't take attacks on or ridicule of their beliefs lightly.

Seeing all this coming I wrote an email to the church on Friday. This is what I wrote:
Subject: Hang in there, guys!

Friends at Wasilla Bible Church:

I'm sure your church is getting inundated with media requests and the such as the lefties try to find a way to demonize your messages and by inference Sarah Palin. Hang in there and don't let the idiots bother you.

God bless!

Rick Moore
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