HolyCoast: A Little Intolerance From the Right
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Little Intolerance From the Right

We all know about the intolerance directed a conservatives from the lefties. It's a nearly daily occurrence, and even the Obama campaign has gotten into the act. Recently there have been stories about the campaign threatening the broadcast licenses of TV stations running an anti-Obama NRA ad, and law enforcement official in Missouri who threatened to bring charges against anyone who runs ads that "lie" about Obama. It's just a sign of things to come in an Obama administration.

I read a story yesterday about a Los Angeles man who dared to post a large McCain sign on his property, only to have it repeatedly vandalized and he's now fighting an order from the city to take it down. Just another day for Republicans.

I haven't seen much of that kind of intolerance for opposing views coming from the right. We tend to "live and let live" on these things. Let the lefties rant and we'll just ignore them.

However, last night I had an interesting experience with one of those who would be described as on the far right. I've been a member of Facebook for over a year now, and until recently didn't really put that much effort into it. I decided a couple of weeks ago to start aggressively building my Facebook network to use it as a tool to spread the word about this blog, as well as finding new sources for information. In the past two weeks, using a variety of methods I won't go into here, I've added over 500 "friends" including everyone from major media broadcast stars to politicians to lowly bloggers like me, plus a lot of people who have an interest in conservative politics. And along the way, I've probably picked up a few people who greatly disagree with me but haven't figured that out yet.

For those not familiar with Facebook, if you want to add a "friend" you send a friend request which they must approve. Even if you're not "friends", you can send messages on Facebook to anyone. Last night I got a message from someone whom I'd sent a friend request earlier in the day. I won't give any names - we'll just call her BHC (not Bill and Hillary Clinton), and here's what it said:
I know we have a lot of friends in common, but one of your friends, (name delete) is a McCain supporter and a troll. I am trying to disassociate myself with people like that. No offense.

Hey, no offense taken. If associating with a McCain supporter is enough to give you the vapors, you're doing me a favor by turning down my friend request. I can already tell there's nothing about you I'm going to want to know. I just laughed and deleted the message. It wasn't even worth responding to.

Funny thing is, though, that about two hours later I got a notice from Facebook that BHC had accepted my friend request. I thought that a little odd, but now that we were "friends" I could take a look at her profile and see if I could figure out where the cognitive dissonance was coming from. It turns out that BHC is one of those antiwar libertarians who hate everybody but Ron Paul, and especially McCain and Obama because neither one of them has said they "ain't gonna study war no more".

That wasn't the best part, though. At the top of every Facebook profile is the person's status. That's where you can tell the world what you're doing (conservatives), what you're feeling (liberals), or in my case I often use it to tease blog posts that I think the Facebook community might want to read. This is what BHC's Facebook status read when I checked it last night:
I’m feeling sad because 25 of my friends are also friends with McCain supporter Rick Moore.
No kidding - that's what it said! I about laughed myself silly when I read that. Imagine little ole me causing a cloud of anguish to float of the head of a poor lost libertarian. And, she didn't mention that she had accepted my friend request which would have added her name to the Hall of Shame of Friends of McCain Supporter Rick Moore.

And by the way, the number may have been 25 mutual friends when she wrote that, but it's now up to 46 as of this writing. Her misery only increases.

Needless to say, after reading that and wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes, I went into my own friends list, found her name, and hit the "delete" button. Bye-bye BHC. I don't want to be responsible for your breakdown.

Who knew I had such power?

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