HolyCoast: McCain Honors Flight 93
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain Honors Flight 93

From the United Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA:
Addressing a somber gathering in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, this morning, John McCain said those passengers on United Flight 93 who fought back against the terrorists may have saved his life.

"It’s believed that the terrorists on United Flight 93 might have intended to crash the airplane into the United States Capitol," McCain told a quiet crowd gathered at a temporary memorial site near the site where the plane crashed. "Hundreds if not thousands of people who worked in that building when that fateful moment occurred would have been destroyed along with a beautiful symbol of our freedom.
They and very possibly I owe our lives to the passengers who summoned the courage and love necessary to deprive our depraved and hateful enemies of a terrible triumph."

McCain, speaking after the names of the victims of Flight 93 were read aloud, addressed the gathering for just over two minutes.

Also present was Gov. Ed Rendell, who offered praise for the man he's working to defeat in November: "It's an honor to have him here, not just as a presidential candidate but as a great American patriot."
McCain expresses the same sentiments that Washington journalist Terry Turner expressed in his story about that day.

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