HolyCoast: Media Ticked That Palin Isn't Doing the Sunday Shows
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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Media Ticked That Palin Isn't Doing the Sunday Shows

The media is worried that they failed in their attempt to destroy Sarah Palin's candidacy, and to rub it in even further, the McCain campaign is not interested in making her available to the Sunday shows just yet:
As is The Ticket's custom, a post listing the entire roster of appearances on this Sunday's interview programs will pop up Saturday at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT).

But here's an advance heads up, in part because of who WON'T be found on any of the chat shows.

Three of the four now-official candidates on the major-party presidential tickets are scheduled to sit down for questions: Democrat Barack Obama on ABC's "This Week," his running mate, Joe Biden, on NBC's "Meet the Press" and Republican John McCain on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Absent from this list, of course, is the GOP's star of the moment, the not-so-long-ago obscure governor of Alaska who is McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin.

Since she was thrust onto the national stage a week ago, her appearances on it have been tightly regulated by the McCain campaign: a few side-by-side campaign stops with him and, of course, her big speech to the GOP's convention Wednesday night.

Today, top McCain aide Rick Davis indicated the campaign isn't in any hurry to slot Palin for a Sunday show appearance -- and will do so only if he and other strategists determine it serves the ticket's purposes, not because some may view it as a required initiation for a major political player.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show, Davis said, "I'd never commit to anything in the future. ... Our strategy is in our hands, not the media's. We're going to do what's in our best interests to try to win the election. If we think going on TV news shows are [sic] in our best interests, we'll do it. If we don't, we won't."

After the blast she threw at the media on Wednesday night, the press is just itching for chance to grill her on arcane facts that no VP really needs to know. McCain has already proven he does things his own way, and when he and the campaign thinks she's ready for the Sunday morning crucible, they'll book her on the shows.

But not until then.

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