HolyCoast: Obama Running Pro-Abortion Ads in Key States
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Obama Running Pro-Abortion Ads in Key States

The Obama campaign may want to rethink the timing of this:
A Virginia reader reports that Obama's on the radio there with an ad hitting McCain on abortion rights.

That would be the first paid media on an issue Democrats have used in the past as a trump card but that Obama has generally placed behind economic issues in his outreach to women.

They're also running in Wisconsin and Colorado. With two major stories about moms rejecting abortion for life (Sarah Palin with her son Trig, and 17-year old Bristol Palin), I'm not sure it makes sense for the Obama campaign to be pushing pro-abortion advertising on the voters right now.

UPDATE: I thought about this a little more and it's clear that Obama thinks he has a problem with women voters. In Obama's America, nearly every woman is pro-abortion and only a handful of nuts are pro-life. Therefore running pro-abortion ads should be very successful for the campaign.


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