HolyCoast: Obamessiah Going on Bill O'Reilly's Show Thursday Night
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Obamessiah Going on Bill O'Reilly's Show Thursday Night

There's a smell of desperation in the air and it's not coming from the Republicans. Fox just announced that the Obamessiah will face off with Bill O'Reilly on The Factor this Thursday night, right before McCain's speech. Can you just image the angst that Democrats will face if they have to tune into Fox to see their Savior...sitting with the devil himself?

Dem strategist Bob Beckel was told that news live on Fox and nearly had a stroke. He was visibly shaken by the news and said he'd never put his candidate on O'Reilly's show. That tells me that the Obama camp is seeing some things in their internal polling that suggests not all is well and if they don't do something dramatic they could lose all their momentum.

I fully expect that Obama will become combative and generally non-responsive as O'Reilly beats him about the head and shoulders. If Obama holds his own he might be able to reduce the damage, but I can't believe this will be considered a plus for him.

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