HolyCoast: The Official McCain-Palin Supporter Secret Greeting
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Official McCain-Palin Supporter Secret Greeting

Since we all know the danger of admitting to being a John McCain-Sarah Palin supporter in certain blue states (like California), I've decided that we need our own secret greeting with which we can easily identify one another. I've come up with this:
This is also American Sign Language for "moose". If you show this sign of the moose and the other person screams and runs away, don't be alarmed - you've encountered a liberal. They are understandably panicked at the sign of the moose.

If they get angry and start making elementary school taunts, simply convert the "moose" sign to the "nyah, nyah, nyah" sign by wiggling your fingers and sticking out your tongue. That'll shut 'em up.

If you receive the sign of the moose in return, embrace, exchange names and your favorite Sarah Palin stories, and then go hunting for some liberals to scare.

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