HolyCoast: Original Intent Versus "Fairness"
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Original Intent Versus "Fairness"

This bit of news from Rasmussen should give pause to anybody concerned about the future rulings from the Supreme Court:
While 82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution, just 29% of Barack Obama’s supporters agree. Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge’s sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree.

This goes hand-in-hand with Obama's tax plan which would raise capital gains taxes not because it would be good for the economy or tax revenues, but because it's "fair".

We don't need Supreme Court justices making rulings based on their subjective sense of fairness. We need justices who interpret what the Constitution says.

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