HolyCoast: The Speech
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Speech

Richard Starr at the Weekly Standard thinks Sarah Palin's speech has a historical comparison:
Forty-four years ago, an actor named Ronald Reagan gave a speech supporting Barry Goldwater and launching his own political career that was known ever after, by his ever increasing group of followers, simply as "The Speech." If the McCain-Palin team pulls off an upset in two months, the performance we just saw by Governor Sarah Palin will be talked about in the same hushed and reverential tones.
That just might happen.

A commenter at Ann Althouse's blog has a great line:
From now on, when a Democrat says "But what if McCain drops dead on his first day in office?!?!?!" I'm going to say "dude -- don't tease me like that".

UPDATE: Here's a link to the text of the speech.

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