HolyCoast: Still Time to Get in Your 9/11 Story
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Still Time to Get in Your 9/11 Story

My thanks to those of you who have already submitted your 9/11 stories. All of them will be published as separate posts tomorrow, and it's interesting reading. If you haven't submitted your story, you still can. Send me an email and tell me where you were and what you were thinking as you watched the coverage unfold. You may think there's nothing unusual about your story, but each of us in different parts of the country and at different stages of life shared this experience and each has a different insight into the events of that day.

Tomorrow HolyCoast will be devoted to 9/11 stories and non-political posts (with one possible exception). Both campaigns are standing down from partisan attacks (we'll see if they can really do it), and I think that would be a good way to remember this important event.

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