HolyCoast: A Thank You Note to Bill and Hill
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Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Thank You Note to Bill and Hill

Dear Bill and Hill:

On behalf of millions of previously disaffected Republicans and untold millions of other independents, I just want to say thank you for Sarah Palin. Sure, you had nothing whatsoever to do with her career path up until now, and she certainly didn't look to either of you for her political or social views, but the two of you are probably more responsible than anyone for her ascension to the Vice Presidential nomination.

Hill, if you had withdrawn from the campaign after Super Tuesday or perhaps after the Texas/Ohio primaries in March when it became obvious that the math wasn't going to work for you, the months since then would have been much easier for Obama and he wouldn't look like he just ate a lemon every time he mentions your name. Your millions of supporters would not have spent these many days feeling like they had been robbed and would probably be lined up behind the Obamessiah right now.

But you hung in there, snapping and snarling all the way and helping the GOP with lots of juicy soundbites that we could play during the general election campaign. Thanks for that, too. With a little help from Operation Chaos, many of my fellow Republicans helped keep up the myth that your campaign was viable and had a chance to win.

And Bill - what a treasure you were! That loose cannon act you played as you ricocheted around the campaign trail, not to mention the not-so-subtle racism references, guaranteed that the Obama campaign didn't dare choose Hillary for VP because of the damage you might do during the campaign. Even if Obama could have kept the bile down long enough to choose Hillary as his VP, your presence was a deal killer.

Because your actions kept Hillary off the ticket, and the fact that loyal Hillary followers would rebel at the choice of any other woman, you were forced to go with an old white guy who has spent 35 years in the Senate and got only 17,990,500 fewer primary votes than Hillary. Brilliant!

As a result, John McCain was free to skip the "safe" choice and go with another "maverick", a woman, no less. A lady who has now taken the country by storm and represents the future of the Republican party. Can you say Palin-Jindal in 2012 or 2016? And Jindal-Somebody Else for eight years after that? Bill and Hill - you too might have just given this country 24 more years of GOP White Houses. Democrats will need a GPS to find the place.

Again, thanks Bill and Hill for all you have done for your country. I think we can now overlook that whole mess in the 90's.

Love and kisses,


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