HolyCoast: Today's Fun Spam Email
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Friday, September 12, 2008

Today's Fun Spam Email

I didn't actually receive this one, but I have to give them points for creativity:

Cyber crooks are trying to cash in on fascination with the US presidential race by sending trick email promising a sex video starring candidate Barack Obama, according to Sophos computer security firm.

Email recipients gullible enough to click on an enclosed link get to see a seemingly homemade sex video that doesn't feature the presidential contender but does secretly install malicious software on people's computers.

"This email has been spammed out widely across the Internet, claiming that US senator Barack Obama has been in a sex video while he was in the Ukraine and all you have to do is click on the link to view the movie," Sophos technology consultant Graham Cluley said in a video posted on the firm's website.

"If you were to click on that link ... spyware is installed on your computer which steals your passwords and your banking information and sends it to cyber criminals."

What I don't understand is why anyone would want to see that?

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