HolyCoast: 15 is an Unlucky Number for ACORN
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

15 is an Unlucky Number for ACORN

That's how many states currently have voter fraud investigations underway involving the community organizer/extortion/fraud group (from Next Right):

According to the New York Post and numerous other sources, 15 states are looking into ACORN for possible voter fraud. There’s just one problem, I can’t find 15 from this election cycle. I can only find 13! I looked but no one reporting the 15 state figure backed it up. A bit of light was shed when I found a comment making the tally 15 “since 2004″. Not quite the felonious total first reported, but why quibble over a couple of states. A count of 13 still means in 2/3 of the states in which ACORN ran registration drives this cycle, there were problems. If anyone knows the other two states, let me know and I’ll issue an update. If problems turn up in any of other states, let me know as well.

The 13 instances noted below are all from this election cycle. All but the Washington case are from 2008.

Connecticut - falsifying/forging voter registration cards;
Florida -
falsifying voter registration;
Indiana -
falsifying/forging voter registration cards;
Michigan -
dozens of fraudulent forms;
Missouri -
falsifying voter registration applications;
Nevada -
fraudulent registrations including two for Tony Romo and Terrell Owens of the Dallas Cowboys;
New Mexico -
hiring felons to work on registration drives;
North Carolina -
fraudulent registrations submitted;
Ohio -
one man ACORN registered to vote over 70 times;
Pennsylvania -
$2k reward offered for ACORN temp charged with perjury, identity theft and vote fraud;
Texas -
40% of 27K registrations from Houston rejected;
Washington -
worst case of registration fraud in state history;
Wisconsin -
hiring felons as “special registration deputies” and falsifying registration forms.

The links above are just one link to the state’s story. In several instances there are multiple reports on the same case and in a few instances, there are multiple cases of fraud in a single state. The point is, this isn’t made up. ACORN’s standard response seems to be the “We can’t be made to pay for what others do!” defense. But they don’t seem to mind if we pay in their place.

With the news out the Obama campaign hired ACORN, paying them $800k for voter registration it seems likely the heat is not going to do anything but increase. Stay tuned and stay informed. Alert and knowledgeable citizens outflank 15 state strategies every time!

Of course, simply putting 2,100 fraudulent applications into the system doesn't mean that 2,100 fraudulent votes will be cast, but it can mean that registrar of voters' offices can be so jammed with these things that legitimate voters may have trouble registering. However, there's no question that some of the fraudulent registrations that make it past the screeners will result in bogus voters and bogus votes for Obama and other liberal candidates and causes.

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