HolyCoast: FBI Opening Investigation Into Dem Congressman
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

FBI Opening Investigation Into Dem Congressman

This can't make Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi very happy:
The FBI has reportedly begun its own preliminary investigation into an ABC News report that West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL) hired an alleged mistress to work on his official staff and then paid her $121,000 to keep her from going public and filing suit after she was fired.

The FBI has begun its own investigation into an ABC News report that West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL) hired an alleged mistress to work on his official staff and then paid her $121,000 to keep her from going public and filing suit after she was fired. FBI agents have reportedly contacted members of Mahoney's staff and Tuesday sought legal files surrounding the secret settlement, according to current and former Mahoney Congressional and campaign staff workers.

A spokesperson for the FBI said she had been instructed to say "no comment" to press inquiries.

It would be unusual but not unprecedented for the FBI to open an investigation into a member of Congress three weeks before the election.

What did they know and when did they know it? And, did Emanuel help pay off the mistress? Where did that money come from?

So far the mainstream media hasn't even given this story 1/10th the coverage it gave the Mark Foley scandal. Maybe a little Dem scandal involving high party officials will get their attention.

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