HolyCoast: Harvard Pinheads Want Obama to Take Over the Day After the Election
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Harvard Pinheads Want Obama to Take Over the Day After the Election

They may work at Harvard Business School, but I've heard more intelligence come from seniors in a high school civics class. These two pinheads want the Bush Administration to just quit the day after the election and turn the country over to the Obamessiah:
But there is a way out - if our political leaders are smart, courageous, and public-spirited enough to take it.

Assume that Barack Obama wins the election, as polls show is increasingly likely. The following day, Vice President Cheney should be prevailed upon to resign. Using his powers to designate a successor under the 25th Amendment, President Bush should then appoint, and Congress should confirm, Obama as vice president (just as Richard Nixon appointed Gerald Ford vice president in 1973 when Spiro Agnew resigned). Bush himself should then resign, elevating Obama to the presidency - as Ford became president when Nixon resigned. Obama should then appoint Joe Biden as vice president.

With Congress's confirmation of Biden, the new administration would be in place, on the job, and ready to tackle the economic crisis - in November, not January. (The electoral college's official ratification of the election results in December would merely rubber-stamp the transition.)

Such extraordinary action would be particularly appropriate in the event of an Obama/Biden victory, since that ticket promises the most dramatic change from the current administration's approach and policies.
Yeah, that'll happen. Can you just imagine the scene when these guys were writing this drivel? I'll bet they thought they'd really come up with something smart.

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