HolyCoast: Obama's Rabid Response Team
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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Obama's Rabid Response Team

Yes, you read that right - rabid. Just look at this posting on one of Obama's community blogs concerning an appearance by Sarah Palin in Southern California today:

Sarah Palin is coming to Carson this Saturday. Two days after the Vice Presidential Debate, she wants to show the world that she can come to one of the bluest areas in the bluest state in the Union and have over 10,000 people show up for a rally for her. This is outrageous!!!

We need to tell the world that California does not want another Bush term!!! Therefore, we are inviting ALL GRASSROOTS DEMOCRATS and all people who want change in this country to come out to a rally outside her rally this Saturday. National media will be covering the rally and this gives us a golden opportunity to share out story.

I am attaching a flyer to this email that I would love for you to forward to your contacts. The more people we have - the better!!! We are also encouraging everyone to make several signs and to bring them with you as part of our rally.

I want to thank everyone for your help and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!!!! Remember: BRING YOUR OBAMA SIGNS-- WEAR BUTTONS, HATS, WHATEVER SAYS OBAMA/BIDEN. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY, MAKE SOME. REPRESENT!!!

Dr. Barbara Palmer

Elected Member

Los Angeles County Democratic Party AD55/Region 5

Outrageous that a political candidate would hold a large rally in a state dominated by the opposing party? It may not make much sense politically, but I'd hardly call it outrageous. Do Republicans consider it an outrage if Obama holds a rally in a reliably GOP state? No, we just ignore it.

The Obamabots will gather up some fruits and nuts to protest in Carson, but it won't stop the rally and it won't stop the media attention that Palin is going to get.

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