HolyCoast: Oliver Stone's Agitprop Anti-Bush Move Partially Funded with Chinese Money
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Oliver Stone's Agitprop Anti-Bush Move Partially Funded with Chinese Money

Oliver Stone is spending lots of money to promote his agitprop bio pic "W" which is being marketed as a "true story" of George W. Bush. Nobody (other than the Bush Derangement Syndrome crowd) watching the trailers will ever confuse this cartoon for reality. So, where is all the money coming from to promote this travesty? China.
For while Bush exits the White House a pariah, Stone hopes that W. – a $30 million project funded partly with Chinese money because no big Hollywood studio would touch it – will salvage a career that has been taking on water for more than a decade. Indeed, Stone’s previous movie about an American president, Nixon, cost $44 million to make and recouped barely a third of that at the American box office. This time, Stone is betting that the saleability of Bush’s failures will serve to guarantee his own success.

Do you know why no Hollywood studio would touch it? It's not the subject matter but what Stone does with it. He turns historical characters into cartoons and then claims his movies represent truth. Nobody bought that with Nixon. And I remember when JFK came out with all of its conspiracy nonsense Stone actually created study guides that were to be given to students watching the film, as though it represented actual historical truth.

Sadly, there are enough BDS sufferers out there than Stone may break even on this one, but I don't think he's got a financial hit on his hands. Anti-war/anti-America movies have died at the box office on a regular basis, and there's a good chance that most moviegoers will look at this film much the same way. Cartoon characterizations of political figures work in 5 minute bites on SNL, but I've got to believe it will wear pretty thin in a feature length movie.

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