HolyCoast: She Spoke to America
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Thursday, October 02, 2008

She Spoke to America

I must admit - I took my wife out to dinner and missed the whole debate. I walked in and turned on the TV just as it ended. I've been watching the Fox folks reviews which seem to be pretty positive toward Palin. Other reviews I'm reading seem to confirm that.

The prevailing response to the debate tonight seems to be a clear Sarah Palin victory. One of my commenters, Lee, made a good point:
Biden talked to Gwen. Palin talked to me. Slam dunk Palin

One of the people in Frank Luntz' focus group said basically the same thing. That's important. Americans don't want to be talked over, they want to be talked to. Another of Luntz' folks said that he felt like this was another 9/11 moment in which Palin was calling Americans together to solve our problems.

Here's what columnist and blogger Don Surber had to say:
Republican Sarah Palin flicks off Democrat Joe Biden’s talking points.

The moose hunter bags another one.

Biden has veered off the facts into Daily Kos land. Biden saying Republican John McCain was wrong on the war.

Two words: The Surge.

Palin has sliced this guy bad. She shows he knows nothing about energy, the economy and the war. Every answer he has is Bush, Bush, Bush.

He’s scripted. She’s not.

Biden’s lying. She’s not.

I don’t know if she can still save McCain, but she got game.

Line of the night: Doggone it, Joe.

UPDATE: The shot of the night, after the debate, she took a sleeping Trig and perched him on her shoulder. Not fair but them’s the breaks.

It sounds like Palin did what she had to do. I knew she had it in her, but didn't know if McCain was going to let her show it.

SNL can continue to try and paint her as a ditz, but I don't think anybody will buy the stereotype anymore.

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