HolyCoast: Some Glimmers of Hope
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Some Glimmers of Hope

Could Sarah Palin's attacks on Obama's character be having an effect?:
Obama's lead in Rasmussen was 8 percent, now it's 6 percent; Obama's lead in Zogby was 3 percent, now it's 2 percent; Obama's lead in the Hotline was 2 percent and now it's 1 percent; in the Battleground poll Obama's lead has shrunk from 7 percent to 4 percent.

My fear is that after last night's debate those numbers will start to widen again.

A second item that I forgot to note the other day. Early registration and same day voting has now ended in Ohio. The Dems were hoping to get 25,000 voters out during the week that scam was in operation. Actual numbers - 4,000. Either Obama's get-out-the-vote effort is much weaker than we thought, or the enthusiasm for his campaign is weaker than we thought. Given that many of the people who registered were winos picked up off the street by volunteers, that doesn't say much for the enthusiasm factor.

UPDATE: Gallup now has Obama up by 11. It's starting to look like an outlier.

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