HolyCoast: Standard Credit Card Security Measures Disabled on Obama's Campaign Site
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Standard Credit Card Security Measures Disabled on Obama's Campaign Site

A number of writers have discovered that you can donate to Obama in any fictitious name you wish as long as your credit card number is valid. Many of the routine security measures, such as matching names and addresses to credit card numbers or requiring the three digits security codes, are required on other sites but not on Obama's (from Campaign Spot):

Mark Steyn, Ace, and the guys at Hot Air all are detailing stories of people successfully donating to Obama with fake names and addresses. Apparently, all you need is a credit card number — not even the security code on the back of the card! — and you can donate as much as you like to Obama.

(I would urge those who do not support Obama, that if you're going to run a test donation, keep that donation minimal!*)

Everyone who has ever bought something from a web site knows the basic security precautions taken to prevent fraudulent purchases. It appears that the basic minimum precautions were not in place for Obama's web site, the kind of precautions that were in place for McCain and Hillary (and almost any other candidate or sales web site). This is a huge story. It doesn't necessarily reflect on Obama (although some of my readers won't give him the benefit of the doubt on that) but it sure as hell does reflect on David Axelrod, his tech team, and his fundraising team.

The press has been telling us about Obama's amazing online donations for more than a year now. There is absolutely no excuse for not digging into this story.

Don't bother sending him more money - he's got enough. However, somebody in the mainstream media has to show some cajones and go after this story. I've had lots of posts on his suspicious donations, but nobody in the mainstream media seems to care.

Do you think McCain could ever have gotten away with something like this?

Patrick Ruffini has more here.

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