HolyCoast: Some Advice for McCain Supporters
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Some Advice for McCain Supporters

If you have a McCain sticker on your car, or a yard sign in front of your house, here's a little advice: Get rid of them mucho pronto. If McCain actually pulls off a win tonight, based on the emotions and irrational hatred that have run rampant through this election, for the next week or so it will be open season on the property, and possibly the bodies of McCain-Palin supporters. You don't want that kind of advertising on your property.

I would advise the same for any Californians with "Yes on 8" paraphernalia on their cars or homes. If that measure wins, you're not going to want the kind of attention you're gonna get from the "No on 8" crowd.

Don't believe me? Look here.

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