HolyCoast: The Adventures of Roland Burris
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Adventures of Roland Burris

In case you've already forgotten, Burris is the guy Gov. Blago just appointed to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat. His appointment is taking fire from many sides, but Burris causes the Senate Dems all kinds of trouble. How can Harry Reid turn down the only black Senator (now that Obama is gone)? Burris is playing the race card every chance he gets.

And Campaign Spot reminds us of a Burris moment from the past:
Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris was a major promoter of the 1993 Gun Turn-In Day in Chicago.

He was also a candidate for nomination as Governor of Illinois in 1994.

Then the Chicago Tribune caught him with his handgun still at home.

The Trib ran a story noting that while Attorney General Burris persuaded others to turn in their guns, he had somehow failed to persuade himself to do likewise.

When asked why he didn't turn in his own gun, Burris told members of the Tribune's editorial board: "I just didn't get around to doing it."
Uh-huh. He "didn't get around to doing it" because he wasn't going to be like the other guys and leave himself unarmed in Chicago.

This guy's initial press interviews aren't very promising. I think he's in for a rough ride.

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