HolyCoast: Armed Police Will Keep Burris From Joining Senate
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Friday, January 02, 2009

Armed Police Will Keep Burris From Joining Senate

This is starting to sound like Arkansas and Alabama of the late 50's and early 60's:
WASHINGTON — As U.S. Senate leadership developed an elaborate set of contingency plans today to keep Roland Burris from taking over President-elect Barack Obama’s seat, the disputed appointee promised not to “create a scene” when the Senate convenes next week.

If Burris shows up Tuesday to claim the seat given to him by disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the outcomes range from a denial of entry to a limbo where he can hire staff but not vote.


Should Burris appear in Washington without that certification, armed police officers stand ready to bar him from the Senate floor, said a Democratic official briefed on Senate leaders’ plans.

That white boy's club is pretty hard to get into.

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