HolyCoast: Bush in Midland
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bush in Midland

I'm watching Bush's welcome home ceremony in Midland, TX. That's the guy I voted for twice. He's feisty, funny, and setting the record straight. When I get the transcript or video I'll post it.

UPDATE: The story from Midland:
The former president and first lady appeared visibly glad to be back in Midland during a speech capping the couple’s “Welcome Home” rally at Centennial Plaza.

“You know, they asked me how do you feel after this momentous day,” former President George W. Bush began. “I am grateful. I thankful and I am grateful that you all came out to welcome us home.”

Bush spoke for about 20 minutes, recounting stories of growing up in West Texas and thanking the many people here who were friends before, during and after his political career.

“Laura and I may have left Texas,” Bush said, “but Texas never left us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Bush was joined on stage by wife Laura, who spoke only off-mic to tell the crowd “thank you so much.”

Bush called the Midland backyard barbecue where the two met “the most important meeting of my life” and joked about his former Ohio Avenue home which has, in his absence, become the George W. Bush Childhood Home museum.

“(My mother) when she heard about the museum, she said ‘you better go clean your room,” Bush said.

A jovial former president joked often about his life after office: mowing the yard and taking out the trash would be his new “domestic agenda;” figuring out what to do with the rest of his time would be his “first faith-based initiative.”

More concrete plans for his post-White House life include a book project, a presidential library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and a little bit of fishing.

“My father is America’s only skydiving president — and that is a title he can plan to keep,” Bush deadpanned.

Bush hit on several points previously mentioned in his Jan. 15 final address to the nation, including a retelling of the story about Bill Krisstoff, a 60-year-old orthopedic surgeon from California who requested special permission to join the Navy after his son was killed in combat.

The former president defended the many controversial decisions he made as commander-in-chief, though spoke only broadly about the War in Iraq, and not at all about the faltering economy.

“Sometimes what I did wasn’t popular. But that’s OK. I always did what I thought was right.

“History will be the judge of my decisions, but when I walked out of the Oval Office this morning, I left with the same values I took to Washington eight years ago.

“When I get home and look in the mirror, I’m not going to regret what I see,” he said, adding, “except maybe some gray hair.”

Of President Barack Obama, Bush said, “A great man took the oath of office and we all offer our prayers for his success.”

And though many Americans will remember Jan. 20, 2009 as Obama’s day, Bush said it was “also a great day for the Bush family.”

“A former president once said it was bittersweet to leave Washington,” Bush concluded. “But for me, there’s nothing to be bitter about. Today is some kind of sweet. I’m glad to be home.”


More from Bush’s speech:

On Midland’s Centennial Plaza...

“The days have been long, but the years have been short. It seemed like yesterday you honored us with a send-off from this plaza. What has changed was the weather (Bush’s 2001 send-off at Centennial Plaza was notoriously cold, at least by Midland standards).”

On his and Laura’s more notable meetings as the first family...

“We came face to face with kings, popes, presidents and a son-in-law.”

On being back in Texas...

“The presidency was a joyous experience, but as great as it was, nothing compares with a Texas sunset.”

“I have the privilege of saying six words I have been waiting to say for a while: ‘It is good to be home.’”

On his parents...

“I will always be grateful for the unconditional love of my parents. There is no doubt that unconditional love gave me the courage to run for president of the United States, and to my mother and father, I can’t tell you how much I love you.”

On his faith...

“I have been sustained and strengthened and comforted by an almighty God during eight years as your president.”

On his friends...

“They were my friends before politics, they were my friends during politics, they’ll be my friends after politics — and most of them didn’t care what happened during politics.”

On being president...

“There were some good days and there were some bad days, but every day was an honor.”

On leaving the White House...

“I’m coming home with my head held high and a sense of accomplishment.”

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