HolyCoast: Hugo Chavez Cuts Off the Free Heating Oil to Carolyn Kennedy's Cousin
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hugo Chavez Cuts Off the Free Heating Oil to Carolyn Kennedy's Cousin

The Kennedy's are running into a string of bad luck. Teddy develops a brain tumor, Carolyn is a stumbling, bumbling mess as she tries to finagle a Senate appointment, and now Joseph loses his free oil from Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez:

BOSTON — Citgo has suspended its free heating oil program for low-income residents, Citizens Energy Chairman Joseph Kennedy announced Monday.

Kennedy said the Venezuelan government's Texas-based oil subsidiary cited falling oil prices and the world economic crisis for forcing the company to reevaluate all of its social programs, including the heating oil program aimed at 400,000 households in 16 states.

The program, started in 2005 with Citizens Energy, a nonprofit headed by Kennedy, sent 100 gallons of free oil a year to eligible households.

"It remains unclear how long this postponement, if it is one, will last," Kennedy said in a statement on the Citizens Energy Web site. "All of us at Citizens Energy continue to do everything we can to advocate for a continuation of this vital assistance." ...

Kennedy urged those who have been helped by the program to write Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to share their stories. Kennedy said that Citizens Energy will continue to run heating assistance programs for now.

Chavez was giving oil to Kennedy while his own people are starving. I guess he can't afford such luxuries as oil prices fall and his economy tanks. Joseph may have to find another dictator to fund his oil welfare scheme.

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