HolyCoast: Israel Moves Into Gaza
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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Israel Moves Into Gaza

Not exactly Sherman's march to the sea, but a scorched earth policy might be the only way to get rid of the Hamas terrorists:
Israeli ground forces moved across the border into the northern Gaza Strip late Saturday night in an anticipated escalation of the weeklong offensive against Hamas.

Israeli defense officials told FOX News that an estimated 30 Hamas militants had been killed in the incursion so far, though precise numbers are hard to pin down.

The United Nations, meanwhile, scheduled emergency consultations Saturday night on the escalation. A statement from the U.S. State Department is expected soon.

I'm sure the United Nations will be very helpful (*snort*). Their only goal is to placate Hamas and condemn Israel for killing the women and children Hamas uses as human shields for their weapons caches.

This is going to be ugly, but there's no way Hamas and Israel can live side-by-side peacefully. One of them has to go.

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