HolyCoast: NBC Jumps Further In The Tank for Obama
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Monday, January 05, 2009

NBC Jumps Further In The Tank for Obama

Boy, I didn't think it was possible for the mainstream media to jump any further in the tank for the liberals and Obama, but NBC just proved me wrong (from Drudge):
Mon Jan 05 2009 17:50:57 ET

The nation's top selling conservative author has been banned from appearing on NBC, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Banned for life!

"We are just not going to have her on any more, it's over," a top network source explains.

NBC's TODAY show abruptly cut Ann Coulter from its planned Tuesday broadcast, claiming the schedule was overbooked.

Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY.

But one network insider claims it was the book's theme -- a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era -- that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist.

"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."

For the book, Coulter reportedly received the most-lucrative advance ever paid to a conservative author.

The TODAY show eagerly invited the author months ago, for her first network interview on GUILTY.

The exclusive was to air during the show's 7 AM hour. The cut came Monday afternoon.

Executives at NBC TODAY replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton, who recently offer $1,000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter.
No doubt, Coulter is a controversial guest. Just the kind that draws viewers and ratings. Just the kind that shows that actually care about ratings and advertising revenue should want to have on their shows.

But not NBC. Not if it means The One might receive some harsh treatment.


UPDATE: NBC relents and books Coulter.

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