HolyCoast: Obama Plans Big Tax Cuts
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Monday, January 05, 2009

Obama Plans Big Tax Cuts

Whatever happened to taxing the rich and all that other class warfare stuff that Obama ran on?
Aiming to foster bipartisan support for his record-setting economic stimulus, President-elect Obama plans to propose huge tax cuts for businesses and middle-class workers that will total about 40 percent of the package, or up to $310 billion, congressional officials said.

The revelation is part of an intricately orchestrated roll-out of the plan that includes an appearance by Obama on Capitol Hill on Monday and a major speech about the economy later in the week.

Obama plans to ask Congress for a stimulus package of $675 billion to $775 billion, so the planned tax cuts will total about $270 billion to $310 billion, the officials said.
Obama strategists say he wants to get 80 or more votes in the 100-member Senate, and the emphasis on tax cuts is a way to defuse conservative criticism and enlist Republican support.

But officials say the tax cuts will be based on historical and empirical evidence of what works, not ideology. Rather, the targeted tax cuts will be designed to stimulate job growth in the private sector and help middle class families, the officials said.

Tax cuts that have historical evidence of working? Wow, that must be news to a lot of Democrats. This can't possibly make the hard lefties happy. They were hoping to punish all those evil rich people as soon as Obama walked through the Oval Office door.

Once again, Obama's campaign rhetoric won't match reality (thank goodness).

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