HolyCoast: Only Black Member Denied Entrance to the Senate
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Only Black Member Denied Entrance to the Senate

(I know this isn't really a racial thing, but I'm having too much fun treating this story the way the mainstream press would if the Senate was run by Republicans.)

Roland Burris showed up for work as the junior Senator from Illinois but wasn't even offered a seat in the back of the chamber:
WASHINGTON -- Roland Burris was denied admission Tuesday to the world's most elite club as his credentials to be named the next U.S. senator from Illinois were denied.

Participating in the theatrics, Burris was greeted on Capitol Hill by Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer, a door-keeper and an official from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office before going to the appointment desk on the third floor and to the secretary of the Senate. There, he was told his forms were incomplete.

Burris was appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was arrested last month and accused of trying to sell the vacated U.S. Senate seat previously held by President-elect Barack Obama.

Senate Democratic leaders say Burris is not qualified to enter the Senate, in part because he is tainted by the governor's political scandal, and now because his certificate of appointment hasn't been signed by Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White.

The Senate was scheduled to convene with its newest members at noon ET on Tuesday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that Burris would not be permitted to take his seat because the appointee "has not been certified by the state of Illinois," a reference to the incomplete paperwork.

This whole thing is silly. Gov. Blago has a constitutional right to appoint Barack Obama's successor, and the State of Illinois has a right to full representation in the Senate. Harry Reid and Jesse White are acting like idiots in this matter.

Just for fun VP Dick Cheney should go over to Capitol Hill and swear Burris in. As president of the Senate he could probably do that.

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