HolyCoast: The Summit
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Summit

What else could you call a meeting between conservative opinionmakers and Barack Obama:
President-elect Barack Obama went wooing tonight, having a private dinner a week before his inauguration with a prominent posse of profoundly conservative thought-control writers at columnist George Will's comfy Chevy Chase house that has windows that other reporters could peek through and scope them all.

David Brooks of the N.Y. Times and the Weekly Standard's William Kristol were also spotted there. Also the ever-perspicacious Charles Krauthammer. Could el Rushbo be there too? He had a guest host on-air today.

There was a surprise guest host on Rush's show and the Limbaugh website is hinting that Rush was called to a secret meeting in Washington. We'll know more tomorrow.

What to think about all this? Hard to say. If Obama is seriously interested in what conservatives have to say, good for him. If he's just trying to get on the good side of conservatives to stave off future criticism, it's not a meaningful meeting. We'll see.

Meanwhile, the lefty blogosphere will go nuts if this story turns out to be true.

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