HolyCoast: This Explains Why Israel Acted Before January 20th
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Monday, January 05, 2009

This Explains Why Israel Acted Before January 20th

Rasmussen has a new poll out on the Israel/Gaza dustup:
Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans back Israel's decision to take military action against the Palestinians, but only half as many Democrats (31%) agree.

A majority of Democrats (55%) say Israel should have tried to find a diplomatic solution first, a view shared by just 27% of Republicans.

While 75% of Republicans say Israel is an ally of the United States, just 55% of Democrats agree. Seven percent (7%) of Democrats say Israel is an enemy of America, but only one percent (1%) of Republicans say the same. For 21% of Republicans, Israel is somewhere in between, and 28% of Democrats agree.

Seventy-three percent (73%) of Republicans blame the Palestinians for the war in Gaza, as opposed to 47% of Democrats.
Now you understand why Israel launched their response when they did. They knew Bush would support them and stay out of their way, and Obama was not yet in a position to have any say in the matter. Had they waited until after Obama took office they probably could have expected his UN representative to support efforts for a cease fire resolution and they might even have received condemnation from the White House itself. Israel wants to get this whole thing decided before the Democrats have a chance to object.

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