HolyCoast: Turning the Abortion Tables on Obama
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Friday, January 23, 2009

Turning the Abortion Tables on Obama

As Obama signs orders which will allow taxpayer money to pay for foreign abortions, a Catholic group is using Obama's own life story as an anti-abortion ad.
A new TV ad by a pro-life Catholic group uses President Barack Obama’s own hardscrabble tale to steer young women away from abortion.

The 41-second ad, shown below, was first broadcast on BET during the inauguration. Sponsored by Catholicvote.org, the ad begins with a camera slowly zooming in on a fetus still in the womb.

These words appear on the screen:

"This child's future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him. Despite the hardships he will endure this child will become the 1st African-American President." The ad ends with a photograph of President Obama and this message: "Life: Imagine the Potential."

"Our message is simple: Abortion is the enemy of hope,’’ says Brian Burch, executive director of Catholicvote.org. “The purpose of our new ad is to spread a message of hope about the potential of every human life, including the life of" Obama.

Good strategy. I won't change Obama's mind, but it might make him think a little more.

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