HolyCoast: Earth Hour Celebration
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour Celebration

This is what the greenies decided to celebrate around the world tonight at 8:30 pm:

Darkness. Charming, isn't it. Sort of like the void between their ears.

This is how I'm celebrating:

Light and lots of it. I'm celebrating the achievements of humans over the years who have learned how to capture electrons and make them work for us to provide us needed light when the world is dark. The environidiots would have us return to the dark to "save the Earth". Well, if they want to sit in the dark, have at it. However, I and my civilized brethren will stay in the 21st century, thank you very much.

(By the way, for the record I'm not going to leave my car headlights on for the entire hour. I'd like to be able to start it in the morning.)

Watching the afternoon news reports was really disgusting. I got so mad I almost threw my shoe through my 42" electron-gulping plasma TV. I saw reports on both the Los Angeles NBC and ABC affiliates, and critical reporting was nowhere to be found on either channel. Both networks reported Earth Hour not only as a newsworthy event, but as something in which we should all be involved. In addition to reporting on the Dark Ages celebrations around the world and what would be happening in Los Angeles, the reporters cheerfully told us that we should participate. The ABC reporter said "Be sure to turn your lights out from 8:30 to 9:30 tonight to raise awareness of global warming!"

Why don't you go sit on a compact florescent bulb and spin.

And why does global warming need "awareness"? They've been pounding this drum for 25 years and if you're not aware of the propaganda by now, you're really not paying attention.

Well, let me answer my own question. The globalonists have a problem. Back in the mid-70's they were telling us that we were all going to die because of the coming global ice age. Then in about 1977 the sun decided to kick it up a notch and began to go into a cycle of increased activity and energy output. Lo and behold the Earth started warming.

You see, the heat on our planet does not come from SUVs, plasma TVs or other man-made appliances. It comes from the sun, and the sun does not always release energy in a consistent manner. It has warming and cooling cycles. Always has, always will.

The globalonists, realizing they were all wet about a coming ice age, shifted faster than Jeff Gordon at Bristol and suddenly decided we were all going to die from global warming. Voila, an issue they can scare people with a try to get laws passed that will allow them to control our lives.

That effort went merrily along its way until 1998 when Old Sol decided it was time to take a break. Solar activity began to slow down and with it the amount of energy reaching the Earth. Temperatures peaked in 1998 and haven't been as high since. Objective scientists are now saying we may be heading into a pronounced cooling period that could run 30 or 40 years.

That has really taken the wind out of the global warming campaign. Hence the creation of Earth Hour to try and gin up some needed support.

Thanks to a helpful media which won't even acknowledge the possibility that there are those who think Earth Hour is a bunch of bunk, we now have millions of people sitting in the dark, holding hands and baying at the moon in a pagan festival that would make the Druids jealous.

Well, count me out. The Earth doesn't need my help to survive. Man can't destroy it and we certainly can't save it. It's the height of arrogance to think we can.

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