HolyCoast: Joe Biden, Student of History
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Joe Biden, Student of History

Barcepundit, a blogger in Spain, brings us today's Joe Biden moment:
During his meeting with Spain’s primer minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in Chile yesterday, Biden thanked Zapatero for his effort… in Iraq (link in Spanish, haven’t found this detail in any English-language media).

As everybody knows, the first decision Zapatero made after his unexpected win in 2004, right after the Madrid train terrorist attacks, was to abruptly and unilaterally pull out from Iraq.

When we were attacked on 9/11 our president ran toward the fight. When the Spanish were attacked in the Madrid train bombings, the voters immediately surrendered and voted in Zapatero who promptly ran from Iraq like a frightened kitten. Profile in courage.

And now we're learning that a Spanish court is trying to figure out a way to prosecute former Bush administration officials for torture under international law.

Some country you have there, Jose.

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