HolyCoast: Obama Road Show Fails to Win Support
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama Road Show Fails to Win Support

Andrew Malcolm at The Ticket comments on the media blitz Obama has been doing to push his budget proposal, and the effect on the polling:

The Gallup Poll did another one this week on President Obama's $3,550,000,000,000 budget for fiscal 2010 and found support for it down slightly, disapproval up slightly and even "Don't Knows" also up a bit.

So no big statistical change, right?


But wait. Add a little context and it can look somewhat different.

Obama took his well-oiled road show to California in that time frame to hold two nationally-televised town hall meetings dominated by budget talk. He went on Jay Leno's show and talked to some 14 million bedtime viewers about the budget. He did a well-watched "60 Minutes" interview last weekend and talked more about the budget. He held a nationally-televised primetime news conference Tuesday and talked endlessly about the budget to an estimated 42 million Americans. His support team mobilized millions of e-mails to gin up supporters across the land to talk up the budget, especially to friends and elected representatives. Other groups ran ads supporting the budget. Obama brings up the ambitious budget at every opportunity. And he drove to Capitol Hill to create even more opportunity for budget news coverage.

The result, according to Gallup: People who feel positively about his budget fell from 44% in late February to 39% this week. People who feel negatively about the budget increased one point to 27% in the same time frame. And after all that budget talk, people who claim to not know enough to have an opinion increased 10% from 30% to 33%.

When the president goes on Leno to promote legislation the viewers rightfully think he's not a serious man. That's what those polls are showing (not to mention the fact that the voters are waking up about huge deficits and silly programs funded with their tax dollars).

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