HolyCoast: Steele Done With Bipartisanship
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Steele Done With Bipartisanship

Republicans have made the frequent mistake of believing that Democrats were interested in true bipartisanship. Of course, they're not. To a Democrat bipartisanship means Republicans agreeing with Democrat positions.

Michael Steele, new chairman of the Republican National Committee, has had a rocky start in his new job, but I think he's got this one right:
In a CNN interview, RNC Chairman Michael Steele announced he's finished with efforts to reach out to President Obama.

Steele: Look, I like the president personally, even though I think he has got a little thing about me, that I haven't quite figured out what that is.

CNN: You haven't spoken to him?
Steele: No.

CNN: You've reach out?
Steele: Several times, and I'm done.

CNN: So there is no bipartisanship going on there?
Steele: Not, not that I know of.

CNN: Is there any professional jealousy?
Steele: Not on my part. What would I be jealous of?

CNN: He's the president of the United States.
Steele: I'm chairman of the RNC, so, what's your point? We both have leadership responsibilities and roles. I'm not equating the two. My point is: you are on your track. I'm on my track. You do your thing. I do my thing.
That "professional jealousy" question was just plain stupid. Did Steele run for president? No. If he'd asked that of John McCain it might have made some sense, but not Steele.

It actually sounds like the question was based more on Obama and Steele's race than political position.

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